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Ger FitzGibbon

Dr Ger FitzGibbon is former Head of Drama & Theatre Studies at UCC and is a freelance writer and director.

Directorial credits include Beckett’s Not I (Gaitkrash Theatre Company) at the Crawford Art Gallery, Patrick Kavanagh’s The Great Hunger for Theatre Makers TC, Brecht’s Fear and Misery in the Third Reich (with Bernadette Cronin), Frank McGuinness’s Mary and Lizzie (with Bernadette Cronin), Martin Crimp’s Attempts on Her Life, Yeats’s The Cat and the Moon and The Only Jealousy of Emer, Beckett’s Krapp’s Last Tape, O’Casey’s Juno and the Paycock (The Everyman), The Tayman (Theatre Makers), and Tim Crouch’s England (Gaitkrash).

His original plays include The Rock Station (Soho Theatre, London & Meridian Theatre Cork); The Bed, (Theatre Makers, Cork Midsummer Festival) a play based on Shakespeare’s widow, Anne Hathaway; Tenebrae, (Theatre Makers, Cork Midsummer Festival) an exploration of issues around faith, ritual and the scandal of Ireland’s lost children; Johnno’s Wars, (Rehearsed reading as part of The Everyman’s Aftermath programme, 2018), a full-length historical play exploring some of the difficulties around the Civil War and its aftermath in Ireland; The Hairdresser’s Calendar, (Theatre Makers as part of Cork Arts Theatre summer programme, 2019), a comedy set in a small one-person hairdressing salon.  He has written a number of short stories and a novel based on his own play Johnno’s Wars.   Adaptations and versions include Sca, a modern adaptation based Sheridan (Granary Theatre); Matched, an adaptation of two Chekhov one-act plays, which he directed for Everyman Theatre, 2015; The Woods, a version of Chekhov’s  The Cherry Orchard (TDC Show, 2017); The Tayman, the Tomcat and Others, an adaptation with Jack Healy of the stories of Eamon Kelly (Theatre Makers, 2017).  He also contributed script to BrokenCrow’s Enter Juliet (The Everyman 2017) and has written song-lyrics for BrokenCrow’s Levin and Levin (The Everyman 2017).  He was script editor and dramaturg on Corcadorca’s production of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet (2013). He recently wrote a full-length play for voices, The Four-Faced Liar (Rehearsed reading as part of The Everyman’s Play It by Ear programme, 2020). Current projects include a one-act play, Ghostlight, and a collaboration with playwright Aideen Wylde